- Participate in the selection process of candidates.
- Assist in the preparation of training proposals, plans and related documentation.
- Design and conduct training sessions to ensure learning takes place.
- Plan adequate resources to deliver training.
- Prepare appropriate training materials and aids for all classes.
- Prepare a clear Scheme of Work and keep it up-to-date.
- Prepare Lesson Plans in advance clearly outlining learning objectives and following course outline/SOW for all classes.
- Prepare classroom appropriately for lessons.
- Record and monitor candidate attendance/attitude and take appropriate action. Keep Training Supervisor informed of issues affecting candidates.
- Assess and verify the candidate’s achievement and keep records up-to-date.
- Give additional support to candidates where appropriate and complete records.
- Produce candidate progress and attendance reports within deadlines.
- Attend and complete course meetings and reviews.
- Process candidate evaluations as required.
- Liaise closely with the course team and keep all members informed.
- Keep course files and related paperwork up-to-date.
- Arrange and conduct tutorials and complete the necessary paperwork.
- Prepare a schedule for workplace visits, on-job training and assessment and maintain regular contact with the candidates and staff in the workplace reporting any problems to the Training Supervisor (National Projects)
- Conduct planned visits, training and workplace assessment and complete the necessary documentation.
- Induct workplace staff and meet with employers where necessary.
- Follow up candidates post-training as required
- Carry out any other reasonable duties requested by Training Supervisor (National Projects).